
TheCartPress 1.3.6, eCommerce features+

new release of ecommerce wordpress plugin

With this new release, TheCartPress adds more and more ecommerce features.

Some of the new features are:

  1. Checkout
    1. Notice is integrated into Cart
    2. ‘Retry checkout’ goes to Payment step by default
  2. Mails and notices: “tcp_shopping_cart_bottom”, allows to add a new notices at the bottom of shopping cart
  3. Shopping cart: New function “add_attributes”
  4. Taxonomy management: Allows set one taxonomy to more than one post type
  5. Paypal: Supports adding cost to payments via Paypal
  6. login shortcode: New attributes (login, register: display true/false)
  7. Hooks: more hooks to improve TheCartPress using plugins

Enjoy it!

Best regards

TheCartPress in the University

TheCartPress is been used by Pamela Blake at the University of the Sunshine Coast, Qld Australia.

tcp-university logo“The students are in general studying a Bachelor of Computer Based Design.

I teach them 2nd year eMedia which is web design. HTML5, CSS3 in their first semester. A little php (not too much to freak them out as they are generally visual design students) a little MySql databases and responsive design in the second semester.

For their last assignment second semester is WordPress, two twentytwelve child themes for one site build. A corporate design and a creative design. They have to use a shopping cart and yours seemed the best bet for responsivity.

And it has been great.”

Pamela Blake

Pamela Blake, at the University of the Sunshine Coast, Qld Australia
Jamie, Pamela, Jakeb and Felicia

Thanks for use TheCartPress!

Build your store with all Fame Themes and TheCartPress

TheCartPress theme compatibility supports Fame Themes, beautiful and Professional FREE WordPress Themes.

Taking advantage of new support for WordPress themes offered by TheCartPress you can now build your store with all Fame Themes. Simply Install TheCartPress plugin and and create your store menus to navigate your store.

Fame Themes are beautiful and Professional WordPress Themes designed for Beginners and Experts. You can create your professional store using TheCartPress and any Fame Theme.

Visit Fame themes to get more info

Below you can see some store screenshots using Amzola theme

Some awesome free themes from Fame Themes

Visit Fame themes to get more info

TheCartPress 1.3.3, new dawn of e-commerce

Launch day, TheCartPress 1.3.3.

TheCartPress 1.3.3, new dawn of e-commerce plugin for WordPress.

New featured in backend panels.

Orders list

We’ve ordered the fields for better visibility of orders, using colours, shortening the date, etc.

Orders List, WordPress backend

Now, addresses are integrated with Google mapsIntegration with Google maps

And many little features:

  • Product detail: fix hidden content is some themes
  • CardOffLine: fix a bug when using hidden card numbers (thanks to the community)
  • New look & feel
  • Orders List: new orders list in backend
  • Products List: new product list in backend
  • Activated screen: News and Notices about new versions
  • Product detail: Thumbnail size setting
  • etc.

Enjoy it!

TheCartPress 1.3.2, new ecommerce!

TheCartPress 1.3.2 launch day

TheCartPress 1.3.2, ecommerce plugin for WordPress is here. With dozens of new features:

Product Setup Panel

Tabs, and new filters to add tabs or new links.

Product setup panel, for TheCartPress

New Look&Feel Settings

Button Styles and Product Details

TheCartPress Look and Feel

Look&Feel: Catalogue Settings

New responsive features for phones, tablets, desktops and large screens.

TheCartPress Catalogue Settings

Checkout Editor: Billing/Shipping Box

New fields, and Drag and Drop sorting. API to create plugins to add, or remove fields.

TheCartPress Checkout Billing

And much more…

Enjoy it!

New translations into Italian for TheCartPress core & Boot Store theme

New Italian translations have been completed and improved by the community, with attention to detail and subtleties. It is a great improvement over the above.

A great work of our friend Angelo from wocmultimedia, enjoy it.

Also Angelo has send us Boot Store theme italian translation, it will be available in the next version of the theme.

You can contact Angelo Giammarresi in our community or on his website: wocmultimedia

Thanks Angelo, we known there will be many happy users!

Currency conversion for Non PayPal supported currencies

As you know PayPal doesn’t cover all the world currencies. If this is your case, TheCartPress PayPal plugin supports Currency Conversion for your eCommerces.

You can create your ecommerces with your local currency and, at the moment of payment, convert order amount to one of the supported currencies.

When you are setting up your PayPal, fill the currency conversion options properly:

Using Google API

Currency conversions, using Google API
The plugin calculates the conversion using the google API.

Manual conversion

Currency conversions, using manual data
The administrator must enter the conversion rate manually.

About Custom Layered

“I have installed the new layered navigation widget and tried it out using the custom fields. It works great. It’s awesome.

I was also able to set up grouped products. I love it. It is exactly what I needed to manage the sale of replacement parts for the system sold on my site.

I know you already know this, but TheCartPress is just amazing. It gives the ability to access features I did not know existed before and now I am struggling to figure out how to best take advantage of the power. This is a good problem to have.

Thank you for creating a great product and for being so responsive to my questions.”

Karen Reynolds, April, 10

Thanks Karen, for this amazing words. We are working hard to make TheCartPress one of the best eCommerce platforms.

Enjoy it!

TheCartPress 1.2.8, eCommerce fuel (II)

We need another Post to publish all the improvements.

Custom Values Widget

If you uses Custom Fields, or custom Taxonomies to save more info about your products, this widget (and template function) allows to display all this information in a side bar or any other widgetizable area. The next image displays how it looks like and how to configure:
eCommerce Custom fields

eMail Template

You can now customize the email sent to customer. Take a look to themes-templates/tcp_print_email.php. To make your own customization, you must copy the file to your theme and edit the new one.

Enjoy them!!

TheCartPress 1.2.8, eCommerce fuel (I)

We have published a new version of TheCartPress.

This version has exciting new features, allowing to make your eCommerce more powerful with less effort.

Responsive behaviour

Our “acclaimed” Themes-Templates has now compatibility with Twenty Twelve based themes and with Bootstrap and we have improvement the responsive behaviour.
eCommerce responsive template, WordPress

New Orders Managements

TheCartPress 1.2.8 adds a new order management where Merchants can send messages to customers and creating notes. The new feature adds an email Templates mechanism, where merchants can create emails using “variables”. Those email templates are created in TCP Look&Feel, Notices & eMails.
eCommerce Order Manager
The next list shows all the variables that merchants can add to theirs emails:


In the next post we’ll publish more improvements.

Enjoy it!!!

Private Sales Plugin for TheCartPress

Private Sales Allows to set different prices for different User Groups or Roles. Private Sales + TheCartPress create a professional eCommerce solution for Private Sales, allowing to set different types of prices: First one, allows to set discounts by User groups, second one allows to set prices, for each product, by User group.

Enjoy it!!!

Beta release for 1.1.6 TheCartPress, the new era for eCommerce plugins

Today, we have published the last beta version of TheCartPress 1.1.6.

In a previous post (News of TheCartPress) we discussed the improvements that comes with this new version.
It’s a unstable version, direct from the developers. But we think that it’s very interesting to make tests with it. This new version support new hooks, but some old ones have been deleted. So, if you are a developer and you have plugins for TheCartPress, please, test them.

The other new plugin is Dynamic Options. This plugin will be integrated in the core in the final release. It adds the new Options, called Dynamic Options, for the products in the catalogue.

How to create options for a product:

1. Click in the menu called Attributes.
2. Click in the Attributes Manager option
3. Create as many attributes as you want. For example, Colors and Sizes
4. Return to the “Attribute Set” page and create a new Set, called t-Shirts set. Select Colors and Sizes.
5. Click in “Add a New Product”. Set its name, price and, in the new field “Attribute Set” select “T-Shirts Set”.
Save the product.
6. Click in the option “Dynamic Options“.
Dynamic Options Manager creating options for a t-shirts
7. Insert terms in the attributes, for example Colours: Green, Red, Blue. And Sizes: L, M, S (only the first time)
8. Create new Options, selecting the colors and sizes and typing a price.

And that’s all.

Enjoy it!

News of TheCartPress

The last week I wasn’t very active in the community. I take this opportunity to apologise. We are making a great effort developing a new beta release.

But this new beta release will not be as the older ones. The next release will be a break in the line of development. I like to announce here that we are developing a new Options Management.

In the community we have read a lot of post about options: about to repeat the values in each option, about creating a lot of rows in the database, the labels, etc.

At this moment several people are sending us proposals to customise the plugin for theirs business (TheCartPress is highly customisable), so we have thought that this is the moment to make this change.

To test the new beta we’ll publish a plugin called “Dynamic options“, so the old ones and the new options can be in the same installation (an evidence that TheCartPress is highly customisable).ThecartPress is highly customizable

Only one issue: The old and the new options are not compatible, and at this moment there aren’t an easy way to move them.

Another useful change, the Core:

The initial idea was to maintain the core as small as possible, but with the last updates, it was growing and growing. So before he becomes Skynet, we have put everything back in place. This will make for the future, the software can continue to grow without problems. Less code, more powerful.

More changes, the “Buy button“.

We have created some useful template-tags. This change allows to customise the buy button in your own templates. Again, more customisations features for themes or plugins developers.

We think these changes, and the great effort to accomplish them, will make TheCartPress to go to the next level.

In two or three days we’ll publish the first beta.

Best regards

TheCartPress 1.1.5, the eCommerce plugin for WordPress

A new version of the eCommerce plugin just been published.

The improvements:

  • PayPal: New PayPal IPN (thanks to the community)
  • Transaction Payment notification (Suggested to the community)
  • Checkout: Improvements in Login form (Suggested to the community)
  • Edit orders: Fixed html issue
  • Navigation Tree: new property “Use description for title”
  • Custom fields: Now, custom fields are for any type of post type.
  • Related list widget: New relations: post » categories of products, product » categories of products and product » categories of posts.
  • More and more hooks

We would like to thank all the people in the community who have made ​​donations, twitters or links on their blogs.

TheCartPress, one of the best eCommerce plugin for WordPress, is growing.

Enjoy it!!