
TheCartPress 1.2.8, eCommerce fuel (II)

We need another Post to publish all the improvements.

Custom Values Widget

If you uses Custom Fields, or custom Taxonomies to save more info about your products, this widget (and template function) allows to display all this information in a side bar or any other widgetizable area. The next image displays how it looks like and how to configure:
eCommerce Custom fields

eMail Template

You can now customize the email sent to customer. Take a look to themes-templates/tcp_print_email.php. To make your own customization, you must copy the file to your theme and edit the new one.

Enjoy them!!

TheCartPress 1.2.8, eCommerce fuel (I)

We have published a new version of TheCartPress.

This version has exciting new features, allowing to make your eCommerce more powerful with less effort.

Responsive behaviour

Our “acclaimed” Themes-Templates has now compatibility with Twenty Twelve based themes and with Bootstrap and we have improvement the responsive behaviour.
eCommerce responsive template, WordPress

New Orders Managements

TheCartPress 1.2.8 adds a new order management where Merchants can send messages to customers and creating notes. The new feature adds an email Templates mechanism, where merchants can create emails using “variables”. Those email templates are created in TCP Look&Feel, Notices & eMails.
eCommerce Order Manager
The next list shows all the variables that merchants can add to theirs emails:


In the next post we’ll publish more improvements.

Enjoy it!!!