TheCartPress defines useful PHP functions for use in Themes or in plugins development. Those functions has been defined in the same way WordPress has defined its Template Tags.
This article lists most of the Template Tags defined in TheCartPress.
- Function: tcp login form
- Function: tcp add template class
- Function: tcp attribute list
- Function: tcp do template
- Function: tcp format the price
- Function: tcp get current language iso
- Function: tcp get current user role
- Function: tcp get current user role title
- Function: tcp get decimal currency
- Function: tcp get default roles
- Function: tcp get order status
- Function: tcp get product by sku
- Function: tcp get product types
- Function: tcp get saleable post types
- Function: tcp get sorting fields
- Function: tcp get templates classes
- Function: tcp get the checkout url
- Function: tcp get the continue url
- Function: tcp get the currency
- Function: tcp get the current stock
- Function: tcp get the last login
- Function: tcp get the order
- Function: tcp get the price
- Function: tcp get the price tax
- Function: tcp get the price to show
- Function: tcp get the product type
- Function: tcp get the shopping cart url
- Function: tcp get the sku
- Function: tcp get the stock
- Function: tcp get the tax label
- Function: tcp get the title
- Function: tcp get the unit weight
- Function: tcp get the weight
- Function: tcp get the weight label
- Function: tcp input number
- Function: tcp is downloadable
- Function: tcp is saleable
- Function: tcp is saleable post type
- Function: tcp is saleable taxonomy
- Function: tcp number format
- Function: tcp posted by
- Function: tcp posted on
- Function: tcp register payment plugin
- Function: tcp register shipping plugin
- Function: tcp remove template class
- Function: tcp the checkout url
- Function: tcp the continue url
- Function: tcp the currency
- Function: tcp the last login
- Function: tcp the shopping cart url
- Function: tcp the sku
- Function: tcp the sort panel
- Function: tcp the tax label
- Function: tcp the title
- Function: tcp the total
- Function: tcp the unit weight
- Function: tcp the weight
- Function: the tax
- Function: tcp the buy button
- Function: tcp the price
- Function: tcp the price label
- Function: tcp get the price label
- Function: tcp get the tax
- Function: tcp get the price with tax (Deprecated)
- Function: tcp the order panel (deprecated)
- Function: tcp the price tax (deprecated)