Marketplace eCommerce
Marketplace eCommerce plugin makes your store to become a marketplace, where different merchants could sell theirs own products and the main merchant will take a sale percent.
Marketplace eCommerce plugin for WordPress
Marketplace eCommerce allows other companies or individual users to get new suppliers, producers or buyers for their products as well as develop trading networks
- New WordPress role (“Merchant marketplace”)
- It allows merchants to publish products on marketplace enviroment
- Browse the catalog by merchants
- Define different rates for each merchant
- Control of payments
- All the power of the TheCartPress eCommerce plugin for its merchants
Two Marketplace modes, Etsy and Classic
- Etsy like shopping cart and checkout
- Classic shopping cart checkout
New Version 1.4 (2013-04-19)
This new Update supports Etsy like Shopping Cart, so if a customer buys products for different Marketplace Merchants, the Shopping Cart page will display as many shopping Carts as Marketplace Merchants.
Exists a new feature in the configuration settings to choose this type of “Market Place“, called “Checkout by Merchant”
How Marketplace eCommerce plugin works.
From this backend page, the main merchant could apply different percentage to the different merchants of the marketplace
Pending Payments
Using this page, the main merchant could mark as paid the different orders.
The merchant of the marketplace could see this payments using “My payments” option menu
My payments
A merchant of the marketplace can see the current state of his payments.
Version1.2: Adding Paypal account info to each Marketplace merchants.
Version 1.3: Now, “Main merchant” can change the author of a plugin since a date, so next sales will be for the new “Marketplace merchant“.