Dynamic Options

Dynamic Options for TheCartPress

With Dynamic Options plugin you can efficiently create options or variations for your products based on product attributes.

In front side, of your eCommerce, the price and image of the product load dynamically when the customer changes the attribute values.

  • Product variations with price, stock, sku, excerpt, content, images, author,  date, comments, etc.
  • Create and manage Attributes.
    • “n” levels of attributes for simple products.
    • Attribute sets: Group your attributes and optimize the work of the merchant assigning a set of attributes for each product.
    • Dynamic options: Product variations based on product attributes.

To create options for a product:

1. Click in the menu called Attributes.
2. Click in the Attributes Manager option
3. Create as many attributes as you want. For example, Colors and Sizes
4. Return to the “Attribute Set” page and create a new Set, called t-Shirts set. Select Colors and Sizes.
5. Click in “Add a New Product”. Set its name, price and, in the new field “Attribute Set” select “T-Shirts Set”.
Save the product.
6. Click in the option “Dynamic Options“.

Take a look to a more detailed document about Creating Products Options or Variants