The last week I wasn’t very active in the community. I take this opportunity to apologise. We are making a great effort developing a new beta release.
But this new beta release will not be as the older ones. The next release will be a break in the line of development. I like to announce here that we are developing a new Options Management.
In the community we have read a lot of post about options: about to repeat the values in each option, about creating a lot of rows in the database, the labels, etc.
At this moment several people are sending us proposals to customise the plugin for theirs business (TheCartPress is highly customisable), so we have thought that this is the moment to make this change.
To test the new beta we’ll publish a plugin called “Dynamic options“, so the old ones and the new options can be in the same installation (an evidence that TheCartPress is highly customisable).
Only one issue: The old and the new options are not compatible, and at this moment there aren’t an easy way to move them.
Another useful change, the Core:
The initial idea was to maintain the core as small as possible, but with the last updates, it was growing and growing. So before he becomes Skynet, we have put everything back in place. This will make for the future, the software can continue to grow without problems. Less code, more powerful.
More changes, the “Buy button“.
We have created some useful template-tags. This change allows to customise the buy button in your own templates. Again, more customisations features for themes or plugins developers.
We think these changes, and the great effort to accomplish them, will make TheCartPress to go to the next level.
In two or three days we’ll publish the first beta.
Best regards