With this new post we’d like to show how to use the powerful feature called “Theme Compatibility”.
TheCartPress was designed to be usable with any theme (compatible with WordPress 3+). For this purpose we created this setting. Take a look to the next image:

In the image you can see the different values that can be assigned to “Theme Templates” field:
The first one, “Use configurable TCP loops”, is used to indicate to TheCartPress that your theme has the required templates and you want to use your own configurable TCP loops. Must be selected if the theme designer want to use the “Loop Settings” and, previously, he has copied the archive loop-tcp-grid.php to his theme, calling it from archive template pages.
With the menu called “Loop Settings” the loop-tcp-grid.php can be configured on the fly.
The second option, “Use TCP default Templates”, allows to use the basic default templates included with TheCartPress eCommerce plugin, with the grid provides by TheCartPress. Again, this grid can be configured from the “Loop Settings” menu.
The basic templates (for taxonomies, archives and single product page) included are based in twentyten structure.
The third choice, “None”, is used to indicate to TheCartPress that your theme has the required templates and you don´t want to use configurable TCP loops.
Anyway you can still use the “Theme Compatibility” settings. You will see extended settings for excerpt in “Theme Compatibility”.
The “Theme Compatibility section” contains more fields. A set of them are the “In excerpt” fields (See price in excerpt, see buy button in excerpt, etc.). If “Use configurable TCP loops” or “Use TCP default Templates” is selected then these fields will be hidden. This is because “Loop Settings” menu allows to configure the same areas.
Finally, we have added the last three fields, “Load default buy button style”, “Load default shopping cart & checkout style” and “Load default loop style”. They are used to apply or not the default css styles provides by TheCartPress.
And that’s all. Enjoy TheCartPress!