eMails, Notices and Advertisements

In the menu of the TheCartPress exists and option called Notices.

This menu allows to create a new post type, called tcp_template. As a post type you could add to any email content, notice text, images, videos, shortcodes, etc. The merchant could assign them to different points through the store.

For example, you could show a notice or advertisements, when a customer finish a purchase. To do this, you could create a Notice and assign it to the ‘tcp_checkout_end’ class.

Notice points available:

  • tcp_checkout_email -> the notice is added to the mails sent when the purchase has been finished
  • tcp_checkout_notice -> the notice is added to the Notice box in the checkout process
  • tcp_checkout_end -> the notice is added at the end of the checkout process.
  • tcp_error_stock_when_pay -> This notice will be showed when the client is going to pay and there is no stock of any product in the cart.
  • tcp_shopping_cart_empty -> This notice will be showed when the cart is empty at the Shoppping Cart and Checkout pages.
  • tcp_payment_plugins_<Payment class>-> Those notices will be showed at the payment lists, in the checkout process.
  • more and more…

Using the point ‘tcp_checkout_email’ is the way to customise emails.

For plugin developers exists a little API to manage notices points: