TheCartPress defines useful hooks for use in plugin development. Those functions has been defined in the same way WordPress has defined its Actions and Filters.
This article lists most of the Actions and Filters defined in TheCartPress.
- Action: load custom taxonomy
- Action: tcp add shopping cart
- Action: tcp after loop tcp grid
- Action: tcp after loop tcp grid item
- Action: tcp checkout end
- Action: tcp get shopping cart detail hidden fields
- Action: tcp load custom post types
- Action: tcp product metabox custom fields
- Action: tcp product metabox custom fields after price
- Action: tcp product metabox save custom fields
- Action: tcp product metabox toolbar
- Action: tcp send order mail to merchant message
- Action: tcp shopping cart after cart
- Action: tcp shopping cart before cart
- Action: tcp shopping cart empty
- Action: tcp shopping cart item created
- Action: tcp shopping cart widget item
- Action: tcp states loading
- Filter: tcp get multilingual template path
- Filter: tcp add item shopping cart
- Filter: tcp add to shopping cart
- Filter: tcp card offline cart types
- Filter: tcp cart table title item
- Filter: tcp create assigned relation fields
- Filter: tcp custom columns definition
- filter: tcp get buy buttons paths
- Filter: tcp get buybutton template
- Filter: tcp get default roles
- Filter: tcp get image in content
- Filter: tcp get order status
- Filter: tcp get product types
- Filter: tcp get saleable post types
- Filter: tcp get shopping cart detail title
- Filter: tcp get sorting fields
- Filter: tcp get the price label
- Filter: tcp manage posts custom column
- Filter: tcp reports tabs
- Filter: tcp send order email subject
- Filter: tcp shopping cart get total for shipping
- Filter: tcp shopping cart key
- Filter: tcp sort query
- Filter: tcp sorting fields
- Filter: tcp the buy button
- Filter: tcp_sort_main_loop
- Filter: tcp sorting join (Deprecated)
- Filter: tcp sorting order by (Deprecated)