Ecommerce Reports

New improvements in TheCartPress 1.4.9. Our e-commerce plugin for WordPress has a new menu called TheCartPress/Reports.

With Reports, you could take a quick look to your sales and best seller products.

By default, TheCartPress is published with to reports, “Sales” and “Top Ten Sales”.

The First one displays the total sales between two dates. This is the best way to evaluate the best days and months of sales.

The second one shows the Top Ten Best Seller products between two dates, allowing to evaluate which products have the best performance.

Do you have ideas about new and awesome reports for your e-commerce? Please, contact us. We’d love to add more and more reports.

wordpress ecommerce plugin reports

Our development team has created a tcp reports tabs to add more reports, so any plugin or theme developer could add its own charts.

Reports are another little step to make TheCartPress one of the best e-commerce plugins for WordPress.

Enjoy it!