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Why TheCartPress
Free Support
Join The Community to get free support. Try our Groups with Forum funcionality, we are active members. Also, we offer our professional services, WordPress and TheCartPress plugin and theme developments.
Develop & Design
WordPress native integration, naturaly flexible & Scalable. Usefull Widgets and Shortcodes. Many actions and filters at your service. Complete template tags to develop powerful WordPress eCommerce themes.
International eCommerce
Multilingual, Multicurrency, International weight units, Custom price formats, International rules taxes, Payment and Shipping methods filter by buyer country, Restrict Countries for shipping and payment.
Plugins for TheCartPress
Add functionality and customize your eCommerce with TheCartPress plugins: Payment & Gateways, Shipping & Fulfillment, Tools, Store Management, Marketing, Customer Experience, Utilities and growing.
Free eCommerce Theme
Free responsive eCommerce theme to improve your WordPress with ecommerce features. Highly versatile and flexible. WordPress Architecture, Full website support. Pages (coorporative info), Blog (Full blog support), Store (TheCartPress + marketplace support), Authors, Searches, Community (Buddypress support)
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